In order to implement the fundamental task of "cultivating people of virtue" It has been proposed that in the new English curriculum it is compulsory to cultivate" Chinese spirit Soul, the world vision of the Chinese "; the practice of General Secretary Xi Jinping in the 20 proposed." This means to enhance the spread of Chinese civilization, Influence and adhere to the Chinese cultural position, in a positive light.
滁州海亮学校融合部第四届英语节以“English for China--用英语传递非遗之美”为主题,举办游园会。让学生用英语讲中国传统非遗,用行动传递爱国文化。 The fourth English Festival of ChuzhoHailiang Integrated department Fusion is"English for China and Pass the intangible cultural heritage in English ." This means to portray the intangible Chinese cultural heritage via English language as the theme for a garden party.Let the students recite traditional Chinese intangible heritage in English, and pass on the patriotic culture with actions.
入园 更换汉服 钱庄换钱 文化游艺 元宵、花朝、清明、七夕、端午、中秋、重阳、冬至、腊八、除夕、春节11个英语展板介绍传统节日文化。 民俗体验
划龙舟、投壶、蹴鞠、锤丸、踢毽子、牵钩、推枣磨、射柳、穿针乞巧十几种传统游戏体验。 美食品尝 元宵、青团、月饼、水饺、腊八粥、春卷、糖画、玫瑰烤奶、茯苓糕等传统美食品尝。 英语写作 游园会回来肯定有很多心得感悟,该怎么用英语写下来呢?写作练习。 More
兴我礼仪之邦。 ——《左传》
瞧瞧我的金元宝 Look at my gold Ingot
真是人比花娇! People are more beautiful than flowers
绢花制作 Making silk flowers
看看我家的大门多漂亮 Look how beautiful the door of my house is
人群中的显眼包 Conspicuous bags in the crowd
结伴感受游园乐趣 Feel the fun of visiting the park together
推枣磨 吹口仙气,让你枣子落地! Blow the air to make the dates fall
一年级小朋友的特殊对待 这么近的投壶距离透着老师满满的爱 Special treatment for first grade childrenSuch a close pitching distanceReveals the teacher’s full love
各位公子哥,套圈中的玩偶能否送给我呢? Can you give me the doll in the ring
势均力敌,不分伯仲 Equally matched
旱地龙舟得用屁股蹦蹦蹦 Dry land dragon boats have to jump on their buttocks
书写对联 Writing couplets
三个铜板一杯烤奶,香甜美味 Three copper coins and a cup of roasted milk, sweet and delicious.
女侠,我想吃糖葫芦! I want to eat sugar coated hawthorn
饺子西施的摊位不用吆喝 满满当当全是顾客 No need to shout from the dumpling stall, its full of customers.
就这糖葫芦,你就吃吧,一吃一个不知声 第一了,绝对第一了! Just eat this sugar coated hawthorn and you will be silent.Once you eat it. The best absolutely the best.
插花区围满了可爱的小女生 The flower arrangement area is surrounded by cute little girls.
春卷,春卷,好吃的春卷 手工匠心制作,纯天然无添加 Spring rolls, spring rolls, delicious spring rolls Handmade with care,purely natural without additives.
《非遗之说·英语说》 More
《游园会全景》 ,时长03:29
We look back at the past, appreciate the present, enjoy the traditional Chinese festival together with the children, and lead the children in a unique way back to our culture, whilst wearing beautiful traditional attire, displaying the charm of our culture at this years festival.